What we did
Our on-the-go lifestyles have meant we rely on single-use solutions that exacerbate the global pollution crisis. Products are designed with no thought for their end of life obsolescence is often built in.
Higginson brought together the foremost NGOs, business leaders, politicians, academics and campaigners to unite behind a campaign to move towards a real circular economy where the design, production, and consumption of goods and services work in harmony with nature rather than against it.
Chaired by Lucy Siegle, the Real Circularity Coalition was founded in 2020 to meet the key environmental challenges facing the world in the 2020s and beyond. The Coalition kicked off the campaign by bringing together 27 leading campaigners and politicians to call for a real circular economy in a letter published in The Telegraph.
Campaign Stats
9 pieces of coverage
65 million online readership
60,000 coverage views