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Plastic Free Post Interview: Steve Hynd

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Steve Hynd, City to Sea‘s Policy and Media Manager, oversees the organisation’s campaigns in a bid to inspire both people and businesses to stop plastic pollution at source.

Speaking to Plastic Free Post, Steve gives his take on the importance of tackling plastic pollution, how to reduce plastic consumption, and his favourite plastic free thing in the world.

Why is plastic pollution an important issue to tackle?

Plastic pollution isn’t just about the plastics we can see floating in our waterways, it’s about all the plastics and associated harms we don’t see. From micro-plastics entering the food-chain to the massive green-house gas footprint of the industry. From trade deals dumping plastic waste in Africa to the growing uncertainty of the fossil fuels market that are scrabbling for a plan-B. You can’t understand global, holistic, intersectional, environmentalism without understanding (and acting on!) plastic pollution.      

What is the one thing you do to reduce your plastic footprint?

There are loads of easy things people can do, but it’s worth auditing the plastics you use and working out what one swap will make the biggest difference. For me, it was about reducing the amount of cow milk my family consumed and then getting what we do use through the local milkman in reusable glass bottles.    

Do you have any product that you like that helps to reduce plastic?

The Refill app is now the world’s first app to connect people to places where they can eat, drink and shop without pointless packaging. It geo-locates you and points you to places where you can Refill your water bottle, do plastic free shopping or pick up a coffee in a reusable cup. And it is now growing from being just UK to being available internationally! 

What is your favourite plastic-free thing in the world?

My Chilly’s water bottle. It’s light, keeps my water cool, and it’s something I use literally every day.   

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