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Inside Higginson: meet Audrey, our US intern

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Tell us a bit about how you came to Higginson

I was supposed to come to London this semester as a part of Boston University’s study abroad program, but unfortunately that was canceled due to the pandemic. When I found out BU was still offering students the opportunity to participate in a virtual internship, I jumped at the chance. I was lucky enough to interview with Higginson, where I learned about their commitment to sustainability and social justice and was thrilled to be offered the chance to intern with them for the Spring. 

How has the pandemic changed your internship experience? 

With things being online there is definitely a learning curve to working out all of the technical programs and software and, not being much of techie, it took some getting used to for me. I am also currently on-campus in Boston so there’s the pesky time difference to work around, but other than that I think the core of the work is the same as what I would be doing if I were in London. 

Is being part of a purpose-driven agency important to you? 

Yes, definitely! Throughout my time studying public relations at Boston University, I’ve come to appreciate how communications can be used to make positive changes. Working for an agency with strong values has always been important to me and I am proud to be interning somewhere that shares the same values as I do.  

What is the one thing you do to reduce your impact on the planet? 

I have been a vegetarian since I was 15 and, in my environmental science class, learned about the negative impact that meat production and factory farming have on the planet. I love trying new vegan and vegetarian cuisines and I am determined to find the world’s best vegan cheese. 

What’s been keeping you busy during the pandemic? 

Aside from lots and lots of television (I could watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer for hours on end), I bought a pair of roller skates at the start of the pandemic and have been trying to skate as much as possible since then. It’s been a little bit harder during the winter, but my roommates can attest that I find skating around my apartment just as fun as skating outside.

What’s one thing you’re hopeful for in 2021?

I am hopeful that we will continue to have a successful vaccine rollout so we can keep as many people healthy as possible and return to normal, non-isolated daily life. (Oh, and I hope Taylor Swift wins big at the Grammy’s!)

Hidden talent / secret skill? 

I take pride in doing the New York Times crossword every day. If I can finish a puzzle in under twenty minutes, it makes my whole day ten times better. 

Item you can’t live without? 

I take my headphones with me everywhere just in case there’s an opportunity to listen to music. My end-of-year Spotify stats are always a doozy. 

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