News + Views

Plastic Free Post Interview: Sara Vaughan

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Sarah Vaughan, Global Chief Purpose & Sustainability Advisor at Marie Claire, on the importance of tackling plastic pollution, how to reduce plastic consumption, and her favourite plastic free thing in the world.

Why is plastic pollution an important issue to tackle?

One early morning, four and a bit years ago, I stood on a beautiful beach in Cambodia and watched as hotel staff swept the beach to clear it of the mountain of plastic detritus that had accumulated overnight. It was simply horrifying. Most of it carried the labels of recognisable household brands. Many of which I had worked with. And at that moment I made a vow that I would do everything I could to stop this.

I became a plastic free evangelist.

What is the one thing you do to reduce your plastic footprint?

I use plastic free tampons.

For as the amazing activist, Ella Daish of The End Period Plastic Campaign has flagged, “Sanitary products are the fifth most common item found on Europe’s beaches, more widespread than single-use coffee cups, cutlery or straws”

Do you have any product that you like that helps to reduce plastic?

My Frugi cotton tote which literally goes everywhere with me, so I never have to use a plastic bag. It is scrumptious and organic just like it says on the outside.

What is your favourite plastic-free thing in the world?

It has to be my beloved but now rather battered Hydro Flask which has come everywhere with me since I bought it from Wholefoods Market in the July  sale in 2017.

What do yo u think of when you hear the word plastic?


What’s big in your world right now?

The next instalment of my podcast series – Start Somewhere for Marie Claire which went live on Wednesday 16 December. In the series I’m joined by some amazing movers and shakers, each committed to driving positive change in the world, who share their unique and inspiring story of how they got started somewhere.

I’m also incredibly honoured to have been asked to join the Advisory Board of The World Humanitarian Forum – which is the largest and most inclusive non-partisan forum in humanitarian aid and international development which turns hope into possibility for so many.

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