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Plastic Free Post Interview: Maria Westerbos

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Maria Westerbos, Director of Plastic Soup Foundation, strategically paves the way for the organisation which she founded in 2011 because she wants to make the world a bit more beautiful. Recent initiatives have seen Plastic Soup Foundation shine a global spotlight on the huge volumes of plastic we are exposed to on a daily basis and have assessed the impact of plastic on human health.

Speaking to Plastic Free Post, Maria gives her take on the importance of tackling plastic pollution, how to reduce plastic consumption, and her favourite plastic free thing in the world.

Why is plastic pollution an important issue to tackle?

It is our responsibility to take care of the next generations. We cannot leave a world behind that is so polluted, that life itself gets unbearable.

What is the one thing you do to reduce your plastic footprint?

I use My Little Plastic Footprint. Please have a look at the free app and find over a hundred tips to reduce your personal Plastic Mass Index.

Do you have any product that you like that helps to reduce plastic?

The completely plastic free products of Beauty Kitchen!

What is your favourite plastic-free thing in the world?

My dog. I hope she is plastic free….

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