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Join us! Nature 2030 Live Panel at It’s Time Festival

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Join us on Tuesday 17 November at 4pm when we will be hosting a live panel discussion on the Main Stage of the It’s Time Festival by Ecologi.

Panel: Sian Sutherland, Liz Goodwin, Captain Paul Watson and John Higginson.

Visit to get your free ticket to all the action including the opening of the event by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales!

The Coronavirus pandemic has put many governments’ focus squarely on human health and supporting the economy. While this is understandable, it has dangerously undercut the environmental cause.

Countries have rolled back laws designed to protect the environment, while multiple companies have used COVID as an opportunity to further their own agendas. As we strive to rebuild the economy and protect the population, we must be careful to prioritise, rather than undermine, the green agenda.

To discuss how to do this, Nature 2030 has brought together a panel of experts who will answer the question: How do we stop Covid-19 from diverting attention away from the climate emergency?

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