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Expert Webinar: What is the future of work post-lockdown?

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EXPERT WEBINAR: What is the future of work post-lockdown?

Wednesday 29th July 2020

11am-12pm BST


  • Clare Munn – CEO, Box Media
  • Brandon Hollihan – Founding Partner, Castleforge
  • Nathan Pierce – Programme Director, Sharing Cities
  • Rupert Dean – Co-Founder and CEO, x+why

Chaired by
– John Higginson, Partner, Higginson Strategy

Places are limited, so please register in advance today by clicking here:

Higginson Strategy warmly invites you to:
Business As Usual: What is the Future of Work Post-Lockdown?

The global spread of COVID-19 has accelerated changes to the workplace at an unprecedented speed. Remote working, flexible hours and virtual meetings were all expected to be implemented gradually over the next decade. But for many these practices became part of their working life overnight.

Have our ways of working changed forever? What lessons has the coronavirus crisis taught us about the way we work? And how will our working environment have to adapt?

Join some of the world’s leading business and workplace experts to discuss what the future of work will look like post-coronavirus.

Supported by a live Q&A with you as members of the audience, this webinar with leading figures from business, communications and academia will explore the torrid time ahead and how firms can prepare.
Places are limited, so please register in advance today by clicking here.  

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