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Watch: Expert Webinar – How to Avoid a 21st Century Great Depression

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  • Rt Hon Sir Vince Cable, Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics, Former Business Secretary and Leader of the Liberal Democrats
  • Matthew Elliott, Senior Political Adviser to Shore Capital, Former CEO of Vote Leave, Business for Britain, and the Taxpayers’ Alliance
  • Janet Mui, Investment Director, Brewin Dolphin
  • Tom Claridge, Senior Portfolio Manager, Julius Baer

Chaired by
– John Higginson, Partner, Higginson Strategy

– What role do businesses and governments have in averting an impending depression?
– What can business leaders do to future proof their companies?
– What have we learned from the 2008 financial crisis?

The high-profile panel will build on experience from 2008 to discuss the strategies businesses and governments need to implement to reduce the likelihood of a long-lasting depression.

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