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Views on the News: London Stock Exchange Group commit to net zero

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The story:

The London Stock Exchange Group has become the first global exchange group to commit to net zero and will become a member of the United Nations Climate Change ‘Race to Zero’.

This is not the first steps the London Stock Exchange have taken to improve their green credentials. The group has been a supporter of the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures since its launch in 2017, each year aiming to embed these standards and improve its financial reporting.

At the heart of global finance, it has positioned itself to drive both investors and issuers in disclosing reliable climate data. To achieve this, it will be chairing the UN Sustainable Stock Exchange’s advisory group developing Model Climate Reporting Guidance, which will launch later in 2021. It is also focussing on growing the green economy by enabling growth and development of green industries and supporting investment and capital flows to achieve climate transition across all sectors.

Higginson says:

“Green finance, ESG investing, green bonds: the finance industry is recognising its part in the fight against climate change. It’s great to see the London Stock Exchange Group positioning itself as a global leader in bringing about pivotal change. Green financing plays a key role in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and it’s essential it’s driven forward not only by organisations investing in a better future for the planet, but also by those at the heart of our financial markets and systems.”

John Higginson, Partner

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