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Prince Charles says we’re ‘literally poisoning ourselves’ in anti-pollution call

The story:

This week, Prince Charles urged for action to help protect the planet’s oceans.

The royal, who has been a passionate environmentalist since the ’70s, gave a pre-recorded address at the Our Ocean Conference on Wednesday. In his speech, he prayed for action to help save the world’s oceans and its wildlife.

“The situation is indeed dire and the consequences of inaction and business as usual are unimaginable,” he said in his eight-minute video address. “What we do to the ocean and to nature, we ultimately do to ourselves.”

Higginson says:

For us to solve the insidious issue of plastic pollution, we need to turn off the tap for single-use plastic, transitioning into a circular economy.

Prince Charles makes a fundamentally important point. If we are set on poisoning nature, we are set to poison ourselves. We cannot continue to pass responsibility to the next generation.

If change is to occur, business, government, and each individual must act.

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