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Toasting to the 2020s: The decade for positive change

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Guests at Higginson Strategy Christmas party

Sir Vince Cable

Yesterday, joined by Higginson friends, we celebrated the successes of 2019 and toasted to the up coming decade.

Led by our inspirational guest speakers former Home Secretary and chair of Empower Jacqui Smith, former Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable and A Plastic Planet co-founder Sian Sutherland.

The evening commemorated the power of purpose and the role business as well as NGOs and individuals are playing in fighting the global threats we face.

Within the current political climate, as Ms Smith said, it’s important not to tunnel our vision in the face of Brexit. We are at an incredibly important time in politics where true change can be made. She talked about the great work Empower has done in 2019 and is due to do in 2020. And she spoke about how she believes the next leader of the Labour party should be a woman.

Sir Vince said Liberal Democrat support has become squeezed by the media concentrating on the personalities of Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn.

Higginson founder John Higginson pointed out that he had more business leaders talking to him about how they want to restructure their businesses to affect positive change in the past year than at any other point.

He believes that 2020 will be a key year for the environment with businesses, politicians, journalists and NGOs working together to solve the climate crisis.

Here’s to a happy and exciting 2020!

Sian Sutherland | Higginson Strategy
Higginson Strategy Delivered | Higginson Strategy
Jacqui Smith | Higginson Strategy
Campaign | Higginson Strategy

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