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Inside Higginson: meet Polly de Burgh Marsh, AE

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How long have you been at Higginson Strategy and what brought you to the company?  

I’ve been at Higginson for a year. I was first drawn to the company by its clear focus on purpose, particularly within the environmental space. Working at a company which has a positive impact is really important to me and Higginson certainly fits the bill. 

Why is being part of a purpose-driven agency important to you? 

It’s incredibly rewarding when you can see the positive impacts of what you do reflected in the world around you. I believe businesses have a massive role to play in finding solutions to social and environmental problems – so its great being a part of that within my working life.

What do you enjoy most about your role? 

What I enjoy most is the variety of the work our clients do. Each one is creating positive change in different ways and across different sectors. I love being involved in such a diverse range of projects.

What is the one thing you do to reduce your impact on the planet? 

One of the simplest things I do is wash clothes at low temperature where possible and stop using a tumble dryer. It’s  a really easy and effective way of reducing your impact. Through my work at Higginson I’ve come to understand the massive impact of microplastics on the natural world and clothes fibres are a big contributor to that.

What’s been keeping you busy during the pandemic? 

I’m going to fit into a shameful lockdown stereotype here but I’ve been enjoying going out for runs this pandemic. Prior to COVID I spent so much time indoors, it’s been nice putting a bit more value on being outside.

Secret skill ? 

My housemate is teaching me how to lockpick! Although I’m not sure when or if that skill will ever come in useful.

Item you can’t live without? 

My radio – I have it on constantly.

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