News + Views

Inside Higginson: meet Liz, Head of Research

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How long have you been at Higginson Strategy and what brought you to the company?

I have been at Higginson since the start of this year. Prior to joining Higginson, I spent around thirteen years working as an environmental journalist on a variety of trade titles, including ENDS Europe, Packaging News and MRW.

One of my environmental contacts alerted me to a job opening at Higginson. I applied and the rest is history.

Having worked as a green journo for most of my career, I was looking for a place where I could transfer my journalistic skills and environmental background to. Higginson has been the perfect place to do this.

Why is being part of a purpose-driven agency important to you?

When I first started out my career in the environmental sector, a lot of people did not take the issue of climate change seriously. I heard comments such as ‘why don’t you go into something more exciting like fashion instead’ and ‘why bother recycling?’. Yet, I noticed a turning point when Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ film started to get more media attention and serious sustainability conversations kicked off.

At the end of the day, climate change is the defining challenge of our time and we all need more ambition to reduce our emissions. So, working for a purpose-driven agency is important to me because you come to work every day knowing that you are contributing to a better future, not just for ourselves but for future generations.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

I really enjoy my job because it feels meaningful. I am helping to deliver research projects that have a real impact on making people aware about tackling climate change and making the world a better place.

What is the one thing you do to reduce your impact on the planet?

I try and walk to places and use public transportation as often as I can.

What’s been keeping you busy during the pandemic?

Pre-Covid, I had never tried to make a Nepalese chicken curry. I think I have now perfected this dish (which is a shame for my local restaurant).

Rediscovering some R’N’B songs from the ‘90s was also good, such as Kris Kross’ tune ‘I missed the bus’.

Favourite hobby?

I listen to music whilst I run. I have been running since childhood and I love doing it.

Item you can’t live without?

Shea butter lip balm.

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