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Inside Higginson: meet Chris, Account Executive

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How long have you been at Higginson Strategy and what brought you to the company?

This is my first week here. I really wanted to work for a company that helps make the world a better place, and Higginson definitely fits the bill. After researching Higginson’s client base, I knew that I had to apply to work for Higginson.  

Why is being part of a purpose-driven agency important to you?

I studied Journalism at university later in life, because I wanted to shed light on issues that aren’t often spoken about. I have always loved the oceans and could recommend several incredible documentaries that would inspire anyone to protect them. Some of Higginson’s clients do fantastic work protecting the oceans from plastic, and it’s terrific to be a part of that. Knowing that you help the oceans by helping them, and that the environment is in a better place because of it is really rewarding to me. 

What do you enjoy most about your role?

It’s still very early for me to say, but so far, every day has been varied, which I love and getting to learn so much about the fantastic organisations that we work with.  

What is the one thing you do to reduce your impact on the planet?

 I carry my Ocean Bottle with me wherever I go. I try to use companies that help reduce plastic in the oceans, so even my slippers are made from recycled plastic. Also, I have stopped eating fish after watching Seaspiracy 

What’s been keeping you busy during the pandemic? 

When the pandemic hit in 2020, I was completing my last year of university, writing my dissertation on the HIV/AIDS crisis – the previous big pandemic. It was challenging to escape from the reality of living through a pandemic and writing about the horrors of the crisis in the 1980s and 90s. I managed to get my mind off these topics by baking cakes (I now have every Nigella Lawson cookbook) and walking in the park.  

Favourite hobby? 

 I’m very fond of going out for hikes in nature.  

Item you can’t live without?

My headphones, I am constantly listening to music or podcasts through them.  

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