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Inside Higginson: Higginson Academy 26 February

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‘Working at Higginson Strategy is about constant learning and improving. Higginson Academy is a space for us to take time out from our day-to-day work to learn from each other and people we respect,’

John Higginson Partner

What is Higginson Academy?

Higginson Academy is a quarterly internal event we run at Higginson Strategy. It’s an opportunity for learning and discussion – we invite speakers to address our team, and to share practical insights into the industries and areas we represent. The knowledge gained is invaluable and helps us to better service our clients.

On Friday, we heard from a Digital Editor at a national broadcasting house. She discussed the importance of the upcoming Scottish elections, the growing significant of live pages and digital output as media trends evolve, and the importance of impartiality.

‘A constant examination of audiences is at the heart of digital’

We then heard from Partner John Higginson, who gave us an overview of the many successes we’ve seen in the past several months. We celebrated the launch of our new Research division, headed by Liz Gyekye, and the growing scope of the work we undertake for our clients – across corporate communications, from traditional to social media, public affairs to crisis communications. John also celebrated the success of our internal campaigns – Nature 2030 and Empower – as well as our podcast and the launch of Plastic Free Post, the world’s first plastic-free newsletter.

‘Higginson Strategy has grown from strength to strength – despite the pandemic. Our ambition is to be the largest agency representing plastic-free clients’

The team were then joined by a Director at one of the UK’s leading waste management companies. At Higginson, we’re all about the circular economy. Our guest discussed the future of waste and resource management and the huge changes that he predicts in the coming years – from the greater capacity of recycling plants, Deposit Return Schemes, EPR, and compostable materials.

‘There is no facet of waste management that won’t change by 2025’

Higginson Social

Following our academy, we take the chance to relax as a team and celebrate our recent successes.

Still unable to be together in person, this quarter we met virtually for a cocktail masterclass. Not only experts in environmental communication and fighting the plastic tide; Higginson Strategy is your go-to agency for an expertly made tipple – shaken not stirred.

Never to shy away from some healthy competition, after making our Mojitos as a team, and feeling giddy from the first sips of rum, Higginson split – red vs Blue. Firsts we competed on who could make the best-looking Espresso martinis, and then the relay race was on to speedily create Pornstar martinis.

Congratulations red team – you are now Higginson’s newly appointed drinks secretaries. We hope you enjoy your promotion.

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