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Higginson Strategy celebrates five years

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LAST NIGHT Higginson Strategy celebrated its fifth birthday with an event in the Houses of Parliament.

Founded in 2017 by former political journalists John & Clodagh Higginson, the purpose-led communications agency has 18 employees across offices in London and Manchester.

Sponsored by Baroness Doocey an evening of celebrations took place in the auspicious surroundings of Parliament and was attended by MPs, peers, business and charity leaders and journalists.

Having built a for reputation fighting plastic pollution and for women’s rights Higginson Strategy grew by 39 per cent last year.

In the past year on behalf of Common Seas, Higginson delivered more than 500 pieces of coverage across the globe of findings about plastic in human blood.

For Changing Markets Foundation the agency has supported with the launch of

While Higginson Strategy has been providing media support to Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) in its work in Rwanda.

In addition to their client work, Higginson deliver campaigns on female empowerment and the environment Empower and Nature 2030.

Higginson Strategy Founder John Higginson said: “I cannot be prouder of the Higginson Strategy team who have worked tirelessly over the past few years to deliver time and again for our amazing clients. It was wonderful to see so many of them together last night.”

Feel free to save and share images from the evening – see more here.

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