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Earth Overshoot Day: 29 July 2021

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Today marks Earth Overshoot Day 2021. The day in which our demand for the Earth’s natural resources exceeds what our planet can regenerate in that year.

This year, today’s date means we are using the resources of 1.75 Earths, but we only have one.

The gloomy day is hosted and calculated by the Global Footprint Network.

It calculates changes in carbon emissions, forest biocapacity, and other factors that could impact global biocapacity or the Ecological Footprint.

So the formula is (Planet’s Biocapacity / Humanity’s Ecological Footprint) x 365 = Earth Overshoot Day.

In 1970, Earth Overshoot Day was 30 December. From then it has arrived incrementally earlier up to today’s date. Last year, Earth Overshoot Day was 22 August, but this reflects the initial drop in resource use due to lockdowns and the global pandemic.

The Network also calculates individual country’s data to measure its unique date, imagining the rest of the world lived the same as that population.

If we all lived like Indonesia, the day would push back to 18 December. If the world lived like the UK, it would have been back on 19 May. We use 3.9 UKs to meet UK resident’s demand for resources.

#MOVETHEDATE is a global movement dedicated to ensuring Earth Overshoot Day comes later each year, and we create a more sustainable future.

The forecast may look bleak. But if nations come together, we can ensure future generations are left with a sustainable, healthy planet.

Today Earth Overshoot Day marks the launch of 100 Days of Possibility leading to COP26.

The campaign highlights actions each country, city, or business can take control and achieve #MOVETHEDATE.

Solutions exist to support biological regeneration. will reveal opportunities every day up to COP26.

Make sure you check in. We will only achieve important progress for the planet if we all work together.

To learn more about Earth Overshoot Day and the work the Global Footprint Network are doing visit

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