Higginson had a clear goal. To make APP one of the most effective forces for plastic free change in British politics. Higginson achieved both the deliverables asked of them, focusing the minds of key politicians on plastic pollution at a time when Brexit is causing chaos, opening the door for us to ignite and inspire change from within Government.
What is Purpose-Driven PR?
Purpose-driven public relations is an essential tool for any company with social, cultural or environmental values at its heart who seeks to structure and communicate their key messages and goals to a wider audience.
Previously, PR may have had a negative reputation in this sphere, with hesitations that it could be used as a fig leaf enabling corporations to inflate their green initiatives in an effort to falsely improve their public image a process known as greenwashing.
Companies being exposed for greenwashing, often by former employees, has at times led to more negative media attention than if they had not tried to do anything. Now organisations are more likely to understand they can talk about real change from the inside and can be exposed if they try to use a veneer to present a different image. The public have become much more interested in how organisations and companies work and with that increased interest comes an ability to spot which companies are trying to use messages that do not fit with who they truly are.